$9.78 USD
How to Use Simple Muscle Testing for Health and Well-Being


Kalindi Press

Pages: 352 pages
Size: Paperback, 8.5 X 11 inches
ISBN: 978-1-935826-36-1

This book, about the art and application of Clinical Kinesiology, introduces the energetic system that links mind and body. It shows how the body can “talk,” and therefore be used as a diagnostic tool, and to determine which healing approach will best suit an individual.

Clinical Kinesiology allows us to interpret this new “body talk.” This method of muscle-testing “reads” the body’s innate wisdom; when “asked” a question, or presented with a stimulus, the muscles respond clearly, either strongly or weakly. This system, which expedites the application of acupuncture, also helps realign the body’s energy imbalances.

Readers will find specific methods of fighting disease that emphasize the dangers of unnecessary drugs, antibiotics and immunization, and the need for a fortified immune system – especially through natural foods. Other topics include: rebuilding the body’s ecology after an overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria or Candidiasis; how to maintain the integrity of the energy system through minimizing exposure to unhealthy electromagnetic fields or EMFs; optimal health for woman; and issues of men’s health.

New material in this 2nd edition includes an extensive chapter on children’s health, which addresses pregnancy, birthing procedures and breastfeeding, and illustrates a road map for giving your children (and children yet to come) the best potential for optimal health.

Your Body Can Talk
$9.78 USD