Hohm Press Submission Guidelines

We are interested in considering books in the following categories:

  • Teachings and texts from authentic spiritual and mystical traditions, such as Buddhism, Sufism, Hinduism, Taoism, 4th Way, esoteric Christianity, etc
  • Transformational psychology
  • Translations of classic spiritual poetry
  • Biographies and autobiographies of spiritual teachers
  • Autobiographies or memoirs that feature work with a spiritual teacher, teaching, or path
  • First-hand accounts of transformational experiences or relationships

Please query with a brief summary of your manuscript along with up to 10 pages of sample text (an introduction or chapter excerpt), plus a brief biographical statement. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

A professionally edited manuscript will receive a more favorable response from us.

If your manuscript is chosen for review please know that the next step will be for yoou to work with our marketing manager.

They will work with you to have you explore your market and it's viable outlets for book sales.

Together with a marketing plan that we help you create, your book will be made available to the mass market and the niche market you have created. 

We offer national and international distribution. Through our national distribution network, we are represented by 25 sales firms. These firms cover all major wholesalers and bookstores in the U.S. and Canada, plus more than 25 eBook platforms, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Ingram, Baker & Taylor, iTunes, etc... Through our international foreign rights group we are represented to over 650 publishers worldwide, and maintain active ongoing partnerships with these foreign publishers.

Queries are accepted via email only. Please follow these guidelines:

  • Send your query to clientservices@hohmpress.com
  • Put your book title and full name in the subject of your email
  • Address your email to “Hohm Press Acquisitions”
  • Place a brief description/summary of your manuscript in the body of the email, along with a brief biographical statement
  • Attach up to 10 pages of sample text as a Word document (please do not include your sample text in the body of your email)

Thank you for your interest in publishing with Hohm Press. We are a small staff and publish only a handful of titles each year. We will respond to your query in as timely a fashion as possible. If you do not hear back from us within three months, feel free to enquire.