8 Radical Moves to Get Beyond “Never Good Enough”

Hohm Press

Pages: 192 pages
Size: Paperback, 5.5 X 8.5 inches
ISBN: 978-1-942493-23-5

Women Challenge the Lie… is an invitation for women of all ages to confront the “Never Good Enough” — a common subtext of modern life that undermines their appreciation of inherent beauty and goodness. The authors recommend 8 Radical Moves, to take alone or ideally in the good company of other women, to meet this challenge, and thereby sustain and deepen this commitment to selfunderstanding and compassion.

Each of the 8 Radical Moves provides a different access to a woman’s “basic goodness.” For one, the Move to “Inhabit Your Body” will be key to claiming (or reclaiming) a more loving relationship with herself. For another, the Move called “Learn to Fly” will be just the encouragement needed to refine a meditation practice or further ignite a spiritual longing.

Regina Sara Ryan, author of numerous books in wellness, women’s studies and spirituality (Wellness Workbook; Woman Awake; Igniting the Inner Life) is an elder (age 70+). Shinay Tredeau, a yoga teacher, lifestyle coach, dancer and emerging writer is a “millennial.” Together, they bring a synergy of years in contemplative spiritual practice and dynamic body discipline to this vital subject. Their message is addressed to their sisters, mothers, friends and students, of all ages, and to any who suffer from the dis-ease of self-hatred in some form.

See: www.womenchallengethelie.com and www.shinaytredeau.com Filled with dozens of personal stories and practical wisdom, Women Challenge the Lie is ideal for women’s groups and book clubs; yoga teachers and students; mothers and daughters; caring friends and sisters; and for readers of the author’s previous books.

Women Challenge the Lie