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An Innocent Rendering by Lee Lozowick
Introduction by Mary Angelon Young

Hohm Press

ISBN: 978-1-942493-81-5
$19.95, Paper; 64 pages; 6 x 9 in. 
Release date: June 2023


The Thunder, Perfect Mind is one of many significant texts known as The Nag Hammadi Library, discovered in Egypt in 1945 and dated at approximately 325 CE. The piece is written or spoken in a first-person voice. The author’s repeated declaration “I AM...” is clearly indicative of its narrator’s Divine nature—one who possesses the “Perfect Mind” or “Perfect Intellect”; and one who passionately enjoins her hearers and readers to “wake up,” “give heed,” and “pay attention.”

This divine voice is clearly feminine, referring to “I am ‘she’” or “I am the ‘wife’ or ‘mother’” more than 25 times in the course of the short work, yet is far from comforting or sweet in its declarations. Rather, this voice “thunders,” unabashedly, offering
contradictions and the enigma of opposites in almost every line. It is this paradoxical nature of its content and its upfront, feminine power-statement that make the work such a controversial, much researched, and highly regarded treasure.

This contemporary rendering by American spiritual teacher Lee Lozowick (1943-2010) reflects one individual’s heartfelt cry in response to the call of the divine feminine. He does what all seekers of truth are enjoined to do; that is, make the perennial wisdom one’s own.

Lozowick’s rendering is clearly and beautifully contextualized in the Introduction by Mary Angelon Young. Today’s readers, searching for a ground on which to stand in catastrophic times, will find the text both empowering and humbling, challenging and view changing. Beyond the provincialism of many religious systems, The Thunder,
Perfect Mind offers its readers and hearers the echo of their own truest longing.

The Thunder, Perfect Mind
$19.95 USD