A Companion and Study Guide to Conscious Parenting by Lee Lozowick

Hohm Press

Pages: 96 pages
Size: Paperback, 8.5 X 11 inches
ISBN: 978-1-935387-85-5

This Workbook is the companion volume to Conscious Parenting by Lee Lozowick (Hohm Press, 2010) and is designed be a useful map for parents, prospective parents and child-care-givers on this adventure. The Workbook (like Conscious Parenting itself) aims to assist readers in aligning with a big view of the subject—an overall context from which to parent and educate. Uniquely, Lozowick’s work speaks to the ways and means for transforming ordinary family life with children into a primary means of spiritual practice, including the inevitable challenges for work-on-self.

The book follows the chapter-topics contained in Conscious Parenting, covering subjects from enlightened birth practices, breastfeeding, our use of language with children, the limiting of early exposure to technology and negative influences for youngsters, to the creation of environments of safety and sanctuary for our teenagers.

The contributors—headed by Bhadra Mitchell, project manager and primary editor—are all longtime students of Lee Lozowick. Some are parents, others grandparents, others friends of community families, some are mentors for children. Beneficially, each of them received Lee Lozowick’s teaching firsthand.

This Conscious Parenting Workbook can be used alone or with interested others to:

- Clarify your own innate wisdom of parenting

- Engage the wise counsel of other experienced parents

- Motivate and guide “work-on-self” as the basis for conscious parenting

- Stimulate compassion and self-honesty

- Structure a support group with others.

Conscious Parenting Workbook