In Quest Of God
In Quest Of God
Hohm Press
192 Pages
6 x 9
ISBN: 978-1-963433-04-3
In Quest of God is one of the world’s great spiritual classics, an autobiographical chronicle of Swami Ramdas’s year of mendicant wandering through the great pilgrimage sites of 1920s India.
Ramdas’s third-person prose is simple, almost childlike, yet crisp, evocative, and ultimately disarming. It’s the perfect way to tell this story of spiritual awakening and radical trust in God.
There is no other spiritual book quite like In Quest of God.
Long out of print in the West, this 100th anniversary edition of In Quest of God was produced with the gracious approval of Anandashram Trust and combines the unabridged text of Anandashram’s current edition with the foreword and glossary from the edition published in the United States by Blue Dove Press (1994). This special edition contains more than 30 black-and-white photographs set in 1920s India.
In 1922, shortly after being initiated by his father into the holy mantra Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram, Swami Ramdas (1864-1963) set out on a year-long pilgrimage through India—a journey which culminated in his spiritual awakening. In 1931 he founded Anandashram in Kerala, where he lived until his death in 1963. Though a Hindu sannyasin and bhakta, Ramdas was known for his inclusive attitude toward all religions, and to this day Hindus and Muslims can be found worshiping and serving side by side at Anandashram. Ramdas was a prolific writer, best known for the autobiographical In Quest of God