Michelle Berman Marchildon is The Yogi Muse. She's an internationally known author, columnist, yoga teacher and former executive who left the glamour of a corporate job to raise her family. In the midst of all that excitement, she found time to go upside down on her yoga mat.

Michelle is an award-winning journalist having won AP, UPI and Scripps Howard writing honors, and an alumnus of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. She is a Featured Columnist for Elephant Journal, a Columnist for Origin and Mantra Yoga and Health magazine, an ambassador for Teachasana, and a contributor to other yoga media.

For yoga teachers, Michelle wrote the bestselling book: Theme Weaver: Connect the Power of Inspiration to Teaching Yoga, which explains how to use a theme in yoga classes. She is an E-RYT 500 Hatha teacher in Denver, Colorado. Michelle is available for workshops and readings, especially if it gets her out of making dinner. Contact her through: www.YogiMuse.com.

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