$21.95 USD
Wisdom and Wit from the Teachings of Lee Lozowick

Hohm Press

Pages: 416 pages
Size: Paperback, 5 X 7 inches
ISBN: 978-1-942-493-29-7

This book is an inspiring collection of short teachings taken from the writings and personal communications of American spiritual teacher, Lee Lozowick (1943–2010). From the raw and practical to the sublime and mystical, these quotations touch upon every aspect of life, calling readers to stop, if only for five minutes a day, every day, or any day of the year.

The title, “Just This,” represents a primary tenet of Lee’s teaching legacy. He asserts that we can return to the simplicity of what is, as it is, here and now. Dozens of his instructions focus around learning to unlearn, particularly the habits of the conclusion-making mind. Only with such a foundation can we see through layers of expectation and fear to make honest and clear choices, or enact meaningful change.

“When we are living here and now, when we are accepting what is, Just This, then every thought and every gesture is a prayer.”

Drawn from a wide variety of sources, including some never-before-published writings, Just This 365 addresses such important topics as kindness, generosity and compassion; good humor and good company; self observation; devotion and surrender to the Will of God; and presence and attention in everyday life and relationships. Not all deadly serious, however, some of these statements strike at the need to take ourselves more lightly.

Pithy quotes can serve as excellent reminding factors. In the midst of difficult times, under stress, discouraged, hungry for comfort, the reader can take nourishment from these short inspiring reflections, and courage from these sometimes-fierce injunctions.

Just This 365
$21.95 USD