DR. WILLIAM C. UY, a graduate of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois with a doctor of philosophy degree in chemical engineering, retired as a senior research associate scientist with the DuPont Company at the world renowned Experimental Research Station in Wilmington, Delaware after thirty-one years of service. He did his undergraduate studies at De La Salle College, and graduated with honors, “magna cum laude.”

Dr. Uy is the recipient of sixteen patented inventions (with two outstanding patents pending), as well as major grants from the Walter P. Murphy Fellowship, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/National Science Foundation/American Chemical Society Fellowships.

Being a scientist, his natural curiosity led him to investigate the mystery surrounding his own hay fever and culminated in the discoveries described in this book. He is the author of over fifty scientific reports including over thirty-five publications and presentations at professional meetings, journals and societies in the U.S., Australia, Canada and England. He lives in California.

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