BARBARA DU BOIS, Ph.D., sharing Buddhadharma since the 1980s, is known for the clarity, freshness, humor, and fearless love with which she shines a frank Western light on the path. She is recognized as a Lopon (Master Dharma Teacher) in the Tibetan tradition. Her principal gurus in this lifetime are H. H. Dudjom Rinpoche and H. E. Garchen Rinpoche. Barbara’s lifetime of service includes work with the United Nations, disarmament, refugees from colonial regimes and genocide, and initiating an indigenous women’s peace movement during an active civil war in Africa. She holds the doctorate in psychology from Harvard University and has taught at undergraduate and graduate levels. Author of Light Years: A Spiritual Memoir (Laughing Vajra Press, 2011) and Brave, Generous, & Undefended: Heart Teachings on the 37 Bodhisattva Practices (Hohm Press, 2023), Barbara has also compiled and edited works by contemporary Western spiritual teachers Dhyani Ywahoo, Voices of Our Ancestors, and David Chethlahe Paladin, Painting the Dream. Barbara currently resides in Arizona.
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