$7.68 USD
Facing Challenges & Living Dreams
Kalindi Press
Pages: 292 pages

Size: Paperback, 6 X 9 inches
ISBN: 978-1-935826-34-7

38 Female Athletes Share Inspiration for Everyone

Women and diabetes! A huge market and a huge need. The Sisterhood of Diabetes engages the reader with 38 true-life stories of women with diabetes--the challenges they faced and the adventures they took. These accomplished women, of all ages and from around the world, are athletes, scholars, and champions in many ways, who will motivate and inspire others, whether diabetic or not, in redefining abilities and venturing beyond self-imposed limits. The message here is to live your dreams with diabetes, or any other challenges, with a positive attitude and inspired determination. While many books offer the "do's and don'ts" of diabetes care, this book bypasses the humdrum and the confusing fuselage of medical terminology and treatment to bring the reader face to face with the real struggles of diabetes, and how to live a rich life in the midst of our challenges.

Judith Jones-Ambrosini has lived under the influence of Type 1 diabetes for over fifty years. She knows the importance of exercise, sports and leading an active life as a major component of excellent diabetes care. There are currently over 26 million men, women and children with diabetes in the USA, and 286 million cases worldwide. This book sheds bright light on what can sometimes be a devastating prognosis, by telling true and encouraging stories of successful individuals. www.diabetesmine.com

The Sisterhood of Diabetes
$7.68 USD