How I Grew Better, Wise and Stronger through Yoga

Hohm Press

Pages: 288 pages
Size: Paperback, 6 X 9 inches
ISBN: 978-1-935387-94-7

Author Michelle Berman Marchildon is the “Yogi Muse,” an internationally known author, columnist, award-winning journalist, yoga teacher and former executive who left the glamour of a corporate job to raise her family. In the midst of all that excitement, she found time to go upside down on her yoga mat. “Today I am stronger and more vibrant than ever before. I hauled my tired old ass out of a steep depression to live a better life. I hope to make the second half of my life my best achievement yet. The journey begins with Grace.”

Finding More On the Mat is about practicing yoga as an invitation to live up to our potential as human beings. The yoga mat becomes a catalyst for transformation. The author assures her readers that, in assuming a yoga pose it is not necessarily the shape of the body that counts. Rather, what matters is the chance to create an offering of the highest intention in our hearts. Practicing becomes our path, as we grow not just older, but better, wiser and stronger.

Part memoir, part yoga incentive, this book is for any reader, yoga student or not. It will inspire beginners just starting the practice, or serious men and women moving into higher levels of training. Her intention is to distinguish between yoga as an exercise class and yoga as a practice that leaves one radically transformed.


In a writing style similar to Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love, Michelle reveals her own version of the life story that many of us have experienced on our way to discovering inner peace and inner strength. I laughed out loud; her words touched my soul.

—Desiree Rumbaugh, creator, “Yoga to the Rescue” DVD series, and Certified Yoga Teacher.


Finding More on the Mat