Essays on Art, Beauty, Life and Reality As It Is

Hohm Press

Pages: 608 pages
Size: Paperback, 6 X 9 inches
ISBN: 978-1-935387-02-2

This book of essays presents the essential teachings of the Western Baul spiritual master Lee Lozowick, with special emphasis on what he has named “Enlightened Duality.” This dynamic spiritual principle suggests that one can combine a firmly-rooted and integrated awareness of the nondual nature of reality (“all is One”), with a lively, conscious relationship to the “duality” (or play of opposites) that characterizes our everyday lives.


“Provides a rich and nuanced picture of a real teacher and how he lives in the real (dualistic) world.” 

—Robert Frager, Ph.D., founder, Institute for Transpersonal Psychology   

Enlightened Duality